Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Explorer Report (another manual SMS entry)

T19.37 COORD 40.10122 -86.72772 GPS ALT 9107ft 78mph HDG159 ALT 15745ft TARGET 7000ft TO 16085ft. Fans off. 31F 3.99V EDGE850 -79 snr 2 AT T 310-410

edit: Identical GPS location. With imperfect batteries, it's favoring battery life over running GPS continuously.

edit 2: With batteries below 4V, next update will be at about 8:30 central. Again, favoring using fans over frequent transmissions. Hopefully the solar panels are working in the morning.


  1. Any more updates on this flight? Or did you mean 8:30am this morning in the post above?

  2. Ha, I wish... possibly our batteries froze and the low voltage caused much less frequent updates (and failed ones at that). It happens.

  3. Ah, yes... I've "dabbled" a bit and certainly understand about unforeseen problems with long duration superpressure balloon platforms.... :)
