Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Explorer report

T16.16 Coord 42.02418 -87.75275 gps ALT 12916ft 37mph hdg148 Alt 11975ft Target 7000ft to 10736ft. Fans DOWN. 94F 4.20V EDGE850 -61 snr 2 AT T 310-410 debug info 308K 120adc 1223v 9.35PSI


  1. What are those white things? Are you dropping messages?

  2. those are ballasts.

    interesting idea though..

    each of those things should've had $1 attached tracked via http://www.wheresgeorge.com/ :)))

  3. Haha! Yeah, 3.5 gram ballast units getting ready to be dropped (70g in total) We really wanted to keep an eye on them as they're a good measure of Ivorycopter's health.

  4. they look like diapers.

    ballasts to hold the camera still?

  5. ballasts to counteract effect of lost lifting power over time--as hydrogen escapes from the balloons, ballast units are dropped.

    I do really like the wheresgeorge idea!--next time, hey?
